Thursday, April 20, 2006

Halfway there..

3 down..3 more to go..
nxt up info analysis, culture and finally dcs..
*tsk tsk tsk*..
not quite sure wad i go to uni for..
tis is no way to study..
come to think of it..tis isnt studying at all..=/

ColleenC has finished writing down the troubles.


At Thursday, April 20, 2006, Blogger fieryan commented...

hmm.. studying is still better than working. at least with higher qualification, you can easily find another job. somemore in sch, u got all ur friends.. as in true friends.. in society... hard to find this kind of ppl >< just put in ur best effort. everything will be ok. Good luck!

At Saturday, April 22, 2006, Blogger aeryn commented...

hmm.... finish ur exam first

At Monday, April 24, 2006, Blogger ColleenC commented...

true true..evrything was much easier
when life was less complicated..
back in sch all we've gotta do is hang
out wif frens and sit in for classes..
now dat we're in uni..given d choice..
to choose whether or not to attend
classes..lazy sia..teehee..


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