Wednesday, May 31, 2006

No ppl write thing de.........

Luffy has finished writing down the troubles.
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Friday, May 19, 2006

She walked into the classroom, happily and excited to meet her new class for the year. Her smile so sweet it can melt one's heart. We were hoping for the time to come, to pack up and go home (It was the last period of the day). Until she said," class, I need your attention for a few minutes. Just spare me a few minutes before you pack up." She off the fan and silent filled the room. We stopped what we were currently doing. We knew something wasn't right. Our happy faces turned serious, tears start to fill our eyes when she said," if I happen to faint in class, please do not panic. Just call for the ambulance. I had contracted colon cancer." She made it so simple, as if she was trying to say I had MC fries today. From 4th storey we shifted to the ground floor. She taught us, joked with us, praised and scolded us at times. She was more worried for our results than her own body. Days went by and she became weaker. Until one day she had no choice but to leave the school. For she does not have the strength to come anymore.

Years passed and now she is lying on the bed. The pain was unbearable and undescribable. She felt pain so much she can hardly see. She decided to stop her treatment as she will feel pain in either way. And what we can do is just to sympathsize for her. We felt so useless for the first time. Why do such unfortunate incident happen to such a loving woman like her? She is still young. In the late 20s I guess. Life is so unfair. You spend your life striving for the best but you can't even enjoy the moments aftermath. She is brave to have overcome her fears, to tell us what is going on inside her. She knew she can't live for long but was determined to teach us. She can't have normal life like us, to work; to marry; to have a family and kids, those are the elements of life.

I sincerely thank you, Miss Peh, for your guidance. I admire your courage, your passion in teaching. You have really inspire me. May God be with you. Thank you. -on behalf of 3E2 in 2002.

fieryan has finished writing down the troubles.
3 public comments

Thursday, May 11, 2006

finally i am coming back tomorrow, to have some fun for my own. sad thing is that, i am going to fly off 1 week later.. damn

aeryn has finished writing down the troubles.
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Saturday, May 06, 2006

fieryan has finished writing down the troubles.
1 public comments

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