Monday, July 17, 2006

update dying out..
create no use de..=/

how was ur day at work? sch was ok?
did sumone yelled at u todae?
did u accidentally/purposely pushed sumone into d drain?
or perhaps u won '6 hap choi'..3-D..toto??

well day was fine..
as usual..woke up..shower..
get my lazy arse over to campus..
sit in class..trying real hard to pay attn..(not vry la)
but in d always..sit thr daydream...
ive got real short attention span..
like so of a 10yo kid i guess..

anyways..trying..although not vry hard..
to keep at working on my fyp report..
3 weeks to due date..
and im at chap2..=| how pathetic..
jia you! jia you!
dun get me not all dat useless..
jst not motivated..couldnt careless..
i wonder y..=/

ColleenC has finished writing down the troubles.
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Monday, July 03, 2006

welcome to my me and my dear wedding^^

yochoices has finished writing down the troubles.
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my wedding party v^o^v

yochoices has finished writing down the troubles.
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